تعيين موسى بريزات مفوضا عاما لحقوق الإنسان

الرابط المختصر

- وثائقيات حقوق الإنسان-

صدرت الإرادة الملكية بالموافقة على قرار مجلس الوزراء المتضمن تعين الدكتور موسى بريزات مفوضا عاماً في المركز الوطني لحقوق الانسان في المملكة لمدة ثلاثة.

يذكر بان الدكتور موسى حاصل على درجة الدكتورة في العلوم السياسية من جامعة نيويورك عام 1987، كما شغل العديد من المناصب من أبرزها سفيرا لدى تركيا،  والمقر الأوروبي للامم المتحدة  في جنيف، ومندوبا للأردن في مجلس حقوق الإنسان كما شغل منصب نائبا للرئيس ومقررا للمجلس بالإضافة لترأسه لعدة وفود أردنية .

وكان رئيسا سابقا لدائرة المنظمات الدولية في وزارة الخارجية، وزميل لمركز الدراسات الدولية في جامعة هارفرد، واستاذ زائر في معهد بروكنز في واشنطن وغيرها من المناصب.

وللدكتور موسى العديد من المؤلفات والكتب منها كتاب العلاقات الأردنية الفلسطينية والعلاقات العربية العربية، ودور الأردن الإقليمي " موزازنة بين البناء الوطني والإحياء القومي" ، كا له العديد من الكتابات حول حقوق الإنسان، والنظام الحزبي ، والنظام الحزبي في الأردن، والدول الكبرى والشرق الأوسط، ومفهوم المصلحة الوطنية في الساسة الخارجية، ودور عملية السلام في العلاقات العربية العربية، والدروس المستمدة من المفاوضات العربية الإسرائيلية.

منشور في الاسفل السيرة الذاتية للدكتور موسى باللغة الانجليزية



Date of Birth October 1, 1950

Place of Birth Dlaylat Al-Hamida, Madaba - Jordan

Marital Status Married with four children

Languages Arabic, English


1987 PhD Political Science, New York University, NY, USA

1986 M.Phil Political Science, New York University, NY, USA

1982 MA, Political Science, Queens College, City University of New York, NY, USA

1973.1975Post Graduate Studies, AUB, Beirut, Lebanon

1972 BA English Literature, Jordan University, Amman, Jordan

1968 Jordan National High School Diploma (Top Ten), Jordan


1.International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in Peace Operations, XXXI Round Table, International Institute of Humanitarian Law, 2 – 6 September 2008, SanRemo, Italy.

2.Trade Policies and the Doha Development Agenda for High-Level Government Officials, Training Course for the Regional Programme, 15-19/01/2005, Dubai, UAE.

3.A Course on WTO Imminent Matters organized by the Advisory Centre on the WTO Law on Dispute Settlements, 28/10/2004-17/03/2005, Geneva, Switzerland.

4.A Seminar by the WTO on South-South Relations, 12-15/12/2004, Doha, Qatar.

5.“New Int. Economic Order”, March 1977, Diplomatic Academy, Vienna, Austria.


2011 - Member of the Board of Trustees of the National Centre for Human Rights

- Member and Rapporteur of the National Dialogue Committee (entrusted with drafting new election law and political parties' Law

October 2010 Independent Candidate for the Parliamentary Elections (for the 16th Lower House of the Parliament)


2008- 2010 Director of Human Rights Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2008-2010 Director of the International Organizations and International Relations Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During this period headed and participated in several international and regional conferences on human rights and other related issues.

2004– 2008

- Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva

- Permanent Representative to the International Labor

Organization, Geneva.

-Permanent Representative to the World Trade

Organization, Geneva

-Permanent Representative to other organizations such as the World Health Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization and the International Telecommunications Union.

2007/2008 Chairman of the Social Forum, Human Rights Council


2007/2008 Chairman of the Working Group on Situations, Human

Rights Council, Geneva.

2006 / 2007 Vice-President of the Human Rights Council Geneva.

February 2006 Head of the Jordanian Delegation to the 94th (Maritime)

Session of the International Labour Conference, ILO.

26-30/05/2006 Head of the Jordanian Delegation to the Non-Aligned

Ministerial Conference, , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

2005 Head of the Jordanian Delegation to the ILO Annual

Conference, Geneva.

November 2005 Head of the Jordanian Delegation of the ILO Governing

Body Session, Geneva.

2005 Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee of the ILO Annual

Conference, Geneva.

2005/2006 Head of the Arab Group of the ILO, Geneva.

-Coordinator for the Arab Group at the WTO, Geneva

-Vice-President of the Seventh Annual Conference for State Parties to the Amended Second Protocol of the Convention on Chemical Weapons (CCW), Geneva

-Chairman of the Conference for State Parties to the UN Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Geneva.

(Member of Jordanian Delegations to several Arab Summit Conferences, OIC Summits, the Non-Aligned Movement Summits and the World Trade Organization Ministerial Meetings)

(Participated in numerous international conferences, seminars and symposiums pertaining to international relations issues).

November 2004 Head of the Jordanian Delegation of the ILO Governing

Body Session, Geneva.

2002-July 2004 Director of the International Relations and Organizations

Directorate, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amman

1997-2002 Ambassador of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the Republic of Turkey

1993-1997 Head of the Strategic Studies Unit at the Hashemite Royal

Court, Amman

1991 - 1994 Member of the Jordanian Delegation for the Middle East

Peace Talks (The Bilateral and Multilateral Tracks).

1990-1993 Advisor at the Royal Hashemite Court, Amman

1982 - 1983 Member of the Jordanian Delegation at the Security Council,

New York

1980-1985 Second Secretary at the Jordan Mission to the United Nations,

New York

1976 – 1980 Attaché at the Jordan Embassy, Yemen


1996 – 1997 Assistant to the President and Director of the Teaching and Training

Department, Institute of Diplomacy, Amman

1995.1996 Part-time lecturer of International Organizations’ Law, the Jordan

University, the University of Applied Sciences, and the Princess Sumayya

College, Amman

1993.1994 Visiting Scholar, Brookings Institute, Washington, DC

1993 Fellow, Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg

1990 Fellow, Aspen Institute, Colorado

1988-1989 Fellow, Centre for International Affairs of Harvard University, USA

1987-1988 Researcher, Centre for Strategic Studies of the Jordan University, Amman

1974-1975 Analyst (political events and other) at Dar Al-Sayyad, Beirut.



1.The Jordanian-Palestinian Relationship and Inter-Arab Politics: the Bankruptcy of the Confederal Idea, British Academic Press, London: 1998.

2.Jordan’s Regional Role: Balancing National Survival with the Nation’s Revival, a booklet, Centre for Strategic Studies, Jordan University, Amman: 1995.


1.“Human Rights Council Advisory Committee”, The First 365 Days of the United Nations Human Rights Coucil. Edited by Lars Muller, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland. Berne, Switzerland, 2007.

2.“The Jordanian-Israeli Relationship: Federation Versus Confederation within the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis”, edited by Abdel Hadi, M., ‘Pasia’ Publications, Ramallah, Palestine: August, 2005.

3. “Toward the Establishment of a Jordanian Party System”, paper presented at Conference on Political Parties in the Arab World: Current Status and Future Prospects, organized by Al-Quds Study-Centre, Amman, Jordan: June 2004.

4.“World Party Systems: Lessons for Jordan”, paper presented at Conference on Political Parties in Jordan, Al-Quds Study-Centre, Amman, Jordan: October 2003.

5.“The Concept of National Interest in Jordan’s Foreign Policy: Two Competing Themes”, pamphlet for the Institute of Diplomacy, Amman, Jordan: 2001.

6.“Great Powers and the Middle East Region”, paper submitted at the Arab Awakening and the 21st Century seminar, organized by the Institute of Diplomacy, Amman: November 2001.

7.“The Knowledge System and the Political Structure in the Arab World”, a seminar organized by the Institute of Diplomacy, Amman, Jordan: November 2001.

8.“Jordanian National Interest in Jordan Foreign Policy”, in Arabic, The Forum Publication of the World Affairs Council, Vol.10. No.3, Amman, Jordan: October 1999.

9.“Lessons from Arab-Israeli Peace Negotiations: Jordanian-Israeli Talks as a Case Study”, Diplomatic Studies Publication of the Centre for Strategic Studies, Foreign Ministry, Saudi Arabia: May 1997.

10.“Suleiman Nabulsi and Intra-Arab Relations”, paper presented at a Symposium on Suleiman Nabulsi: A Reading on his Personality and Experience, Amman, Jordan: May 1997.

11.“Threat Perceptions: Jordan’s Viewpoint”, UN Journal, Geneva: September 1996.

12.“The Impact of the Peace Process on the Inter-Arab Relations”, paper presented at the Fourth Arab Strategic Conference, Cairo, Egypt: May 1996.

13.“Jordan’s Regional Role: Balancing Change with Stability”, Jordan and Korea in their Regional Context, edited by Hamarneh, M., Jordan University Publications, Jordan: 1994.

14.“The Concept of National Interest”, The Forum, Amman, Jordan: May 1990.

15.“The Impact of the New Détente on the Arab-Israeli Conflict”, The Forum, Jordan: March 1990.

16.“The Bush Administration and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: Ripeness Versus Ripening”, The Forum, Jordan: March, 1989.

17.“External Challenges to the Arab System”, paper presented at the Second Arab Strategic Conference, Cairo, Egypt: January 1989.

18.“Jordan”, In Constitutions of the Countries of the World, Albert P. Blanstein & Gisbert H. Flanz (eds.), Ocean Publications, Inc.: 1984.

19.Translation into Arabic, with Introduction, to W.H. Auden, by Everatta, B., the Arab Home for Studies and Publications, Beirut: 1976.


Al-Istiklal Medal of the First Order of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

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