
The promised Reform

“In the areas of human rights and fundamental freedoms, 2014 was a year of mixed results in Jordan. Influenced by regional developments, there was no tangible development on the freedom of the media

Locking horns with history

Once again Daesh returns to ensure that everyone knows its hatred to history. Once against it repeats its attempts to erase “everything that was” and instead focus on the present that it is active in

The Absence of Mecca

Saudi Arabia purposely works on turning Mecca into a pictorial remembrance image and numbers for the profits of the Haj ministry. It does this by continuously tampering with the place and the vision

Idiots of History and Museum dust

There s a difference between looking back at history, using our brains and our intellect to dissect it in order to reach to a balanced position that allows us to understand our own civilization on the

When Wahbism fights terror

Saudi media lies when it suggests to some of its writers to criticize Bandar Khubeiri who said a few days ago that the “earth is stable and doesn’t rotate on itself.” Writers were asked to point out