Locking horns with history

Locking horns with history
الرابط المختصر

Once again Daesh returns to ensure that everyone knows its hatred to history. Once against it repeats its attempts to erase “everything that was” and instead focus on the present that it is active in. What is worse s that it is trying to control and lead the scene through its bloody ways using media which it knows how to use to produce the latest scene. There is a huge and significant difference between the past/history and the Daesh “which is being created in a deformed and incomplete way. The first reflected building and sustaining despite time and its conditions and the second which has made himself in the destruction and removal. This difference reflects an existentialism that requires long period of review. The difference deals with the identity and the reasons for its existence and the origins of its upbringing.


A few days ago, Daesh bulldozed the archeological city of Namroud in Iraq. This town belongs to the Assyrian civilization which was witness to an active human being, the building the positive one back in the 13th century Before Christ. In other words before 33 centuries. Three thousand three hundred years  ago. This long period of time has elapsed and this testimonial stood out. Research has continued, studies flourished and continued with the aim of proving the existence more and more. It has continued in its tangible presence even if the ability to be able to point to a physical testimony becomes more difficult to touch and to see directly. It has continued its biological presence through the reproductive cycle on the lands of the two rivers (Tigers and Efrates) and it has not been eradicated. Instead it has “adjusted” using the logic of accepting and interacting towards what is civilized and humane.

Demolishing tangible ruins of the ‘other’  is a useless desperate act that will have little consequence. It reflects on the doers warped mentality and lack of confidence in their identity and where it will end up finally.



Where will Daesh be in the end?

What was Daesh at the beginning so that we can answer where it will be in the end?


· Some claim that it is the creation of the US and its agents with the aim of split up the region so it can sustain its own stay. Some see logic in this with the delay in attacking them which is giving Daesh a longer lease on life.


· Others believe it is the logical conclusion to the extremist text that is found in some heritage books which see no group except itself and therefore there is a perpetual need to fight. This appears to be more accurate. Their acts to destroy humans and stones (see Mosul, Christians, Yazidies, the Ninwa Musuem, Narmoud ) is no mere coincidence.


·  Yet a third group doesn’t exonerate the political and economic conditions that has led to the humiliation of humans in the Arab countries and placed him on the periphery of life and thus provided a powerful incentive for the birth of Daesh and for supplying it with the “human resources” and this opinions has some validity.


· Yet a fourth opinion, whether conscious or not, believes that this serves Israel as the number one problem in the area is requiring money and effort and therefore the Zionists are no longer on the agenda. Thus they slowly disappear from the Arab memory while Palestinian is being eaten up so that there is nothing left. This also has some logic to it.


These various possibilities meet and diverge leaving the questioner to wonder where this is leading to? But the question as to where is the end of this can’t be divorced from answering the question of where it began. The four options are open as to the identity of those committing these acts whose victims are in all four directions.


Whatever the answer is there is one truth that has yet to be addressed and that only Daesh can address. This reality says simply that anyone who wants to lock horns with history will be kicked outside of history.

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