Idiots of History and Museum dust

Idiots of History and Museum dust
الرابط المختصر

There s a difference between looking back at history, using our brains and our intellect to dissect it in order to reach to a balanced position that allows us to understand our own civilization on the one hand. And to obliterate and destroy all the physical tangible references of our past on the other hand.


In the first instance we are victorious in favor of providing hope to build a better future that will be close to a humanity that is divorced from its brutality. In the second instance we would have pronounced judgment on our future generations to be outside history as a whole.

In the first instance we write with the awareness of a critique as we reconfirm our meaning in the universe. In the second instance we erase all that is written and we tear up the books, and throw them in the winds which will leave nothing for any of us.


If you are without a documented past, then you are in a confused presence. You lack a guaranteed future then you are a terrible mistake which needs to be corrected. You are part of a book that can’t be torn because you don’t exist.


What Daesh (ISIS) did in Mosul as part of its entire crimes since its suspicious occupation of a city that is as old as our civilizations which has collected and published all kinds of religions and origins in a museum whose relics go back thousands of years and a library whose manuscripts are very unique as well as churches and other historical remains that will not be repeated. They have destroyed historic mosques, cemeteries and Assyrian walls that reflect on the maturity of the mind.


What Daesh did in Mosque cant be explained except that it is malice towards history. Daesh rejects history in principle and fools itself that it is able to replace it with its own ‘history’ and it does this by destroying remaining physical symbols of this history. It is an idiotic by people who have not really read history. In history we have seen similar stories that are a near duplicate which reminds us of the repetition of this idiocy which has ultimately failed.


These idiots are finally removed and the lights continued to illuminate despite their useless efforts to turn off. The light of human creativity exposes the brutal ignorance which carries different names and justifications. It carried different nationalities and wears various false religions.


Holaco occupied Baghdad and drowned its books in the river to the degree that the color of the river water turned black. But Holaco perished and Baghdad has continued despite this set back and has given us scientists and creativity till this day. Victorious Spanish Catholics entered Arab Grenada and held the largest burning event for books of creative Moslem and Jewish writers with the idea this way they can be rid of a history that they hate and are afraid of as well !

But what they did has not prevented the descendants to regain the militarily defeated civilization but which continues in the streets of the Andalus and through the buildings and mosques and the brilliantly decorated palaces, immaculately engineered gardens and the statues of Ibn Rush the Moslem and Maimonides the Jew.


Nazis who dominated life in Germany and their oppressive view dedicated to one point of view were also as ignorant as the Spanish. They paved the streets of Berlin with literary and philosophical books which they burnt. Among those books burn were the writing of Herman Hass himself. But Nazism has left a heritage of shame and Herman Hass’s books continue to be read and reprinted and respected till this day.


History and the past can never be deleted. And those who see in their visions that they themselves are an alternative don’t realize that they are stubborn towards civilization and its logic. Life through its various civilizations didn’t begin with them and history is much bigger and wider and more flexible to even mention them in passing. No one has a monopoly on history and it has no special attention to any specific group. Daesh and its crimes is part of the group of idiot like Holaco, the revengeful Spaniards and Hitler’s Nazism. Daesh will have the same fate as those idiots and will disappear; no one will remember it except for its shame and brutal acts.


This is what the books of history will say and this history will not be torn or smashed.
A Final word: In museums there is a long list of items to be watched. There is the tall and short, the medium and the giant. In museums also there is dust that lies in the corners and is not usually noticed but eventually this dust gets removed in the cleaning process.


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