
Absent questions about extremism

I begin with a simple question that might seem to some as an oversimplification of a complicated case or naiveté that has no place. The question after Jordan joined the anti-international coalition

Rome or the roads to it?

In various ‘debates’ I have had with believers (be they Muslim or Christian) in which they see in their faith the “only” and the “correct” one etc etc, I have found refugee in the simplicity of

Official sponsorship of extremism

The Jordanian Minister of Awqaf Dr. Hael Daoud contradicts himself when he interacts with extremism. A few days ago his public position was clearly a political propaganda aimed at the unification of

When women get angry

A young student is surprised by outdated ideas and thoughts in one of Jordan’s leading schools which routinely hires the best teachers, gives them enough time to prepare, and works on improving their

Stamp of prior censorship

The latest round of memos coming from the Jordanian Media Commission increases the concern that the country is moving closer to institutionalizing pre censorship to media even though this is a

The Lessons of Ataturk

My wife and I were invited October 29 th to the ninety first anniversary of the creation of the modern state of Turkey. The celebration held at the luxurious Hyatt Hotel in Amman was attended by