Water Scarcity in Jordan Valley Increasing with Summer Heat

Water Scarcity in Jordan Valley Increasing with Summer Heat
الرابط المختصر

Jordan Valley residents have been waiting their turn for water for up to three weeks in spite of new procedures set by the Ministry of Water and Irrigation to try and solve both the supply and demand problem that the entire region is experiencing.

The residents of Al-Karama in the Southern Shouneh district told AmmanNet that the solutions contributed by the Ministry of Water did not solve the water shortage problem, adding that they have to buy water from tanks at their own expense.

Residents of Damia in the Deir 'Alla district are not much better off; last month they didn't receive any water. A resident named Abdul-Mahdi Al-Ramadnah said, "When we did receive the water, it was poor quality."

Residents of the Southern Jordan Valley suffered the same problem when they didn't receive water for two weeks in some areas. In the Northern Valley, residents leaving near the King Abdullah Canal said that that they resorted to using the canal water for domestic purposes in order to save on water consumption purchased from tanks. These residents told AmmanNet during a visit that they feel they have seen the real reality of the water problem in the Jordan Valley.

Spokesman of the Ministry of Water and irrigation, Adnan Al-Zoubi, said that the ministry has stopped pumping water to Al-Karama due to a decline in water in the Al-Karama dam. The dam has elevated levels of saline and the ministry has stopped pumping from the station in Al-Karama, but says it will provide the rental of private wells until the station can be used again.

The surrounding area of Damia, according to Zoubi, "Will be provided enough additional water sources from the ministry, including the Central Valley. Work will begin during the next two weeks."

Regarding the people of Ghor's complaints, Zoubi indicated that they need water twice a week, adding that this amount of water is available in the Directorate of Karak.

Zoubi attributed the water problem in the areas of Sofra and Abu Sido in the northern Jordan Valley to the imbalance in the water system that needs to be addressed quickly.

Residents of areas in the northern, central, and southern Jordan Valley called for the Ministry of Water and Irrigation to take care of privatizing and adsorbing these areas that have rising temperatures which force residents of the Jordan Valley to consume additional amounts of water.

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