Residents of Damia Drinking Polluted Water

Residents of Damia Drinking Polluted Water
الرابط المختصر

Residents from the area of Damia in Deir 'Alla are complaining that the water they receive is red and contains impurities like green algae.

Citizens fear the impact drinking the polluted water will have on their health.

Fida Salam has the same fears and told 'AmmanNet' that the Ministry of Water and Irrigation needs to find an alternative source of water in order to protect citizens from this health hazard.

'AmmanNet' was given a tour of the region as a request to officials of the Directorate of Water that they continue to demand the quality of their water improved.

Residents are forced to buy their water as a result of the contamination, says resident Khaleda Abdullah. Purchasing water increases the financial burden on households where it can reach up to 35 dinars a week.

In addition to water pollution, residents are also suffering from constant water shortages. A number of people complained that they did not have access to safe drinking water in their homes for almost a month and explained that their usage does not contribute regularly to the weakness of the pumps.

Director of the Directorate of Water in Balqa, Khalid Al Abidin, denied that water was cut off to the region for a period of 30 days in Damia. He said the reason for inconsistent water supply and disabled water flow is because the Ministry of Water specifically monitors and limits regions with high temperatures because they have higher water consumption.

Regarding the lack of clean water pumped from the Al-Karama Dam Al Abidin stated, "The Directorate of Water desalinates the water pumped from the dam before it is distributed to residential areas. The Directorate of Health stresses that the water undergoes the same specifications as the water supplied to the rest of Jordan."

Al Abidin explained that the reddish color of the water provided by the water systems in all the regions supplied by Dier Alla is because, "the water networks are very old and although the Ministry of Water and Irrigation is working to find ways to improve it, the ministry will not be able to execute its plans because the financial burden is so huge."

The Water Authority previously stopped the Al-Karama Dam water desalination plant three times since the beginning of the operation because it violates Jordanian standards for human consumption.

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