Jordan extradites 2 palestinians to Dubai in Hamas assasination

Jordan extradites 2 palestinians to Dubai in Hamas assasination
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Jordanian authorities extradited two Palestinians to Dubai authorities, suspected of involvement of the assasination of Hamas leader Mahmoud Mabhouh who was killed at a hotel in the Arab Emirate last month, State Minister for Media Affairs and Government Spokesman Nabil Sharif told 'Al Hayat.'

Dubai had requested Jordanian authorities to turn the two individuals holding Palestinian citizenship into their custody, and this is what we did 'in accordance with routine official procedures in these cases,' Sharif said.

Sharif did not expose the names of the two individuals.

Reports on Monday revealed that one of the individuals turned in to Dubai authorities holds a military rank in the Palestinian Authority and had met with the leader of the hit-team that carried out the assassination.

Dhafi Khalfan, Dubai's Police Chief had said on Monday that the two Palestinians suspected of involvement in Mabhouh's assasination 'fled to Jordan' and that Jordanian security forces arrested them and turned them in to Dubai police.

Khalfan said in a news conference on Sunday that the team that carried out the killing was made up of 11 individuals carrying European passports, including one womwn.

Khalfan said that the two detained Palestinians were suspected of providing logistical support to the gang.

Mabhouh was an important leader and member of the Izz al-Din al-Qassam brigades.

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