Calls on criminalizing harassment in Jordan

Calls on criminalizing harassment in Jordan
الرابط المختصر

*Victim is the first to be blamed

*Calls on establishing legal articles to protect victims, legislate punishments

*Calls on identifying harassment

*Manhood mentality includes woman in crime

*Absence of civil society institutions

*Silent crime committed on daily basis

Specialists have called on recipients of the sexual harassment complains that occur to women to act positively towards all cases, and to stay away from social judgments towards women, specially if the recipient of the complain is a male.

Such specialists have called on civil society institutions to unify harassment definition, and to add legal articles to criminalize this act throughout punishments and work and protection from domestic violence, to tackle harassment in a legal way.


workplaces vary, yet, they have similarities in the circumstances of harassment that usually evolves from males to females. It usually increases in the case of workplaces and crowded areas where witnesses go missing in the process to minimize the chances of filing an official complain.

Charges become reversed against victims

Samar is the name of a female that decided to report against a male that tried to harass her several times at a mall. She ran out of the police station scared after she felt that the police officer to whom she is reporting the harassment is making fun out of the situation as she was the first female to file a complain of harassment at Marka police station.

Legal frame

Female right activists are referring to the importance of amending the current penal code by including am article about harassment such as that one applies in other Arab countries like Tunisia and Morocco.

Specified identification

Lawyer Azza Kamel, commenting on harassment on Aman website, has pointed out that there is no specified and unified identification for the term harassment at workplaces. There is an international consensus to face this phenomena that has been largely linked with workplaces whether it was private or even public.

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