
Translated by Sayed Farah The Kingdom of Jordan entered the bicentenary of the state on the impact of political and economic shocks that drew the shape of the year 2021, which bore “existential”

HIMAM: We express solidarity with Roya TV and call on the media to expose Israeli violations We denounce the claims by Deutsche Welle and we reject the use of “anti-Semitism” as a way to scare the

Josep Borrell, Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainenthe and 24 EU Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Development Rarely in the world have women’s and girls’ rights been challenged

To enhance the political and economic participation of women in Palestine, Jordan, Iraq and Lebanon, Nisaa FM in Ramallah launches its regional project - "Nisaa al-Sham" - within Qarib programme

Jordan is facing an “unprecedented” drought crisis as a number of its dams dried up due to the scarcity of rainwater, which prompted the kingdom to knock on Israel’s door to buy additional quantities

As winter approaches, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency in Jordan has started the process of distributing one-off winter cash assistance for refugees across the country. Over 76,000 refugee families

The head of the Jordan Valley Farmers Union, Adnan Khaddam, said on Saturday that “the reasons for the drought of the Mujib dam are excessive pumping,” but the Secretary-General of the Jordan Valley

Issa Al-‘Adwan, a physical education student at the Hashemite University, benefitted from a partial loan for two academic years. Once close to graduation, he was certain that he’d get another loan

Local radio station Radio Al Balad has reported that their account on popular video sharing platform TikTok has been permanently deleted. The account had over 73,000 followers. The station’s editor-in

Article 6 of the Jordanian Constitution “Jordanians shall be equal before the law. There shall be no discrimination between them as regards to their rights and duties on grounds of race, language or