Jordanian inventor seeks sponsorship

Jordanian inventor seeks sponsorship
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Issa Mudhain is a Jordanian citizen who has been working on electromechanical productions in his modest workshop at his home in Fuhais City. Our inventor has invented strange machines that look much like those we see in movies. He invented a gun that can fire at different angles and around corners rather than only straight. A camera and infrared light ensure that the bullet hits the target exactly. Mudhain has also made many weapons that can be used in the field of the Special Forces and counter terrorism, in addition to spying, for which he has invented small cameras. Issa has also invented a sound bomb that emits a continuous loud, piercing sound that people cannot stand for more than two minutes, which could be used to help evacuate buildings in cases of emergency. The Jordanian talent did not limit his inventions to the battlefield; he also developed musical instruments; with an oud, he has created technology that allows it to play via remote control. Another eye-catching invention is the solar water heating system that could potentially save thousands of Jordanian Dinars, as it functions on solar power. A Special Forces helmet has been invented as well. It gives the soldiers and their commanders the opportunity to record operations using an audiovisual system that could later be used to analyze the operation. The 40-year-old inventor told AmmanNet that he has sent a letter to His Majesty King Abdullah II expressing his intentions to serve the kingdom. His Majesty requested his presence on the following day, and at their meeting the King ordered that Mudhain would receive all the support he needs to get his work done. King Abdullah originally suggested the idea for the angular-firing gun, and Mudhain was sent to work on it, but in an environment that did not foster his inventions. The angular-firing gun was successfully developed, yet Issa had to leave the workplace, due to his lack of motivation in his working environment, nor signs of interest from his bosses. Issa described what happened to him as a crime against the kingdom. Mudhain has said that he had invented five new inventions during the 9 months he spent without a job. These inventions focused on the fields of counter-terrorism and power saving, and he added that he has the ability to work in other fields with the same spirit and accuracy. Mudhain concluded this interview quoting His Majesty King Abdullah II: “We should invest in the talented and creative human being, as he is our true national fortune”. He wondered how we could achieve this goal in the largely negative public attitude towards new technology. The only wish Issa Mudhain has is that we go back to work and achievement, as he is not looking for money or fame, only to serve his country and help save its economy.

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