Jordanian evangelicals Oppose Israeli annexation

الرابط المختصر

The head and former head of the Jordan Evangelical Council issued a statement opposing the Israeli plans to annex occupied Palestinian lands.

The statement noted that evangelicals in Jordan are following closely regional developments and specifically news about the Israeli intentions of violating international law by annexing lands in occupied areas. The council said that while it doesn’t want to get involved in political issues, “we do look at issues from a biblical point of view and consider such action to be contrary to what Jesus called on us to do - namely to seek after peace.” The statement noted that the call for peace has echoed from the birth of Christ till his resurrection. “At the birth of Christ, the angels called for peace on earth, and in the sermon, on the mount, Jesus blessed those who seek after peace saying they shall be called the sons of God. And after the resurrection Jesus bestowed on his followed peace by His words as recorded by the apostle John: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.”

As evangelicals, we follow the word of the Bible and we consider that seeking after peace is a biblical order.  ‘’Therefore we can’t sit idly by as we watch a step that we consider will bring us backward in the effort for peace in our area. This act will increase the cycle of violence and the shedding of innocent blood.”

The statement concluded by calling on evangelicals around the world “to speak out for peace and for peaceful solutions and for abstaining from unilateral ste[s that will bring destruction and violence to our region.”


Rev. Habes Nemat president of the Jordan Evangelical Council and

Retired Brigidate General Emad Maaya former members of the Jordanian parliament

Amman on May 15th, 2020


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