Capital government... would it loosen security measures

Capital government... would it loosen security measures
الرابط المختصر

A number of journalists within the media field say that there is a security 'square' around the Prime Ministry that covers the area between Jordan Hospital and the Human Rights National Center in a return to the embedded martial laws in a digital way at the era of Capital cabinet of Samir Rifai. Journalist Rana Sabbagh that lived the period of martial laws in 1989, said in a seminar “the same policy and the material law mentality that was in the air of 1989 are back in 2010 in a digitally way which is more beautiful and done with gel while the hair is dressed towards backwards, where the government lives within the security square that extends from Jordan Hospital to the Human Rights National Center”. This political category that exchange the political roles among itself aims at silencing everyone in order to take benefit of the country's luxuries to itself and to its families, according to Sabbagh. She thinks that material laws are done from the constitution's point of view, but are back with a detour around it. We are racing time to enact number of temporarily laws as the government looks at the upcoming parliament as if it is going to destroy the kingdom. Rifai's government that faced and still faces criticism from all aspects, lives in a crisis at all sectors, politically, economically, and even socially, nevertheless, Prime Minister Samir Rifai is not trying to be popular, as Sabbagh looks at things.

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