Rome or the roads to it?

Rome or the roads to it?
الرابط المختصر

In various ‘debates’ I have had with believers (be they Muslim or Christian) in which they see in their faith the “only” and the “correct” one etc etc, I have found refugee in the simplicity of suggesting a third way. This third way allows everyone of us if they follow it to resolve some difficult theoretical issues that are being discussed.

Theological and philosophical issues as well as language issues are often difficult for non experts to delve into. What appears in these internal debates as big headlines allowing for differences in religious understandings often evolves into difference between groups that reaches a total break. For those people the conclusions that they refer to are basic beliefs that are non-negotiable except to prove their point of view as it is.

The third way that I often refer to is illustrated in the saying: all roads lead to Rome.

This well knows saying goes much further than its literal interpretation. It includes an open interpretation which sees the possibility of finding solutions using different ways and therefore not insisting on a specific way so long as our goal is to reach a solution, which is Rome as the end of our journey. Whenever I used this saying I would try to get those that I debate to the point of accepting those who differ from them including in areas of faith and thus the differences are erased.

A few days ago and as part of my reading that is spread on many books, I stumbled on a saying from the Indian culture that answered my curiosity about the “serenity” , “peace” and “satisfaction” that the Indian people reflect in dealing with their beliefs and the beliefs of others. The saying is very simple and it states literally: “every human goes to his God through their god.”

What a simple and precise statement full of treasures of wisdom and level headedness. This open and enlightened vision to the universe, in all its colors, and cultural differences and beliefs covers all its peoples, throughout ages and is inclusive to all!

We are all from God and to God irrespective of our efforts to create the road leading to it. It is a conclusion that should put at ease everyone with the knowledge that being different from the other is not a mistake by you or by them and this is the base that leads Indians to “peace, tranquility and being satisfied.”

This is the state of Indians whose religion we look at as not being heavenly! But isn’t anyone who seeks God through faith is dealing with  heaven also?

Rome, you are a target that we all seek and we are fighting on the road leading to it. It is true that all the roads do end up with you.

Do those who are pseudo educated know that?
Elias Farkouh: is a novelist and writer who has won a number of literary awards.

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