Syrian workers prohibited from entering Zor area for security reasons

Syrian workers prohibited from entering Zor area for security reasons
الرابط المختصر

Jordanian Authorities continue banning Syrian farmers from entering Zor Damia, an area in Der Alla, causing farmers from the area to protest the ban.

Zor Damia farmers said that banning Syrians is due to political reasons since Syria does not have a peace agreement with Israel. Jordanian officials refuse to allow Syrian farmers to enter, for fear of them attacking Israel and harming Jordanian-Israeli relations.

This ban adds to famers expenses because they are forced to employ individuals who require expensive work permits, unlike Syrians who do not require these permits.

Farmer Basel Ramadneh pays JD27 per employee to work from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm, according to what he told AmmanNet.

Jordanian Armed Forces only allow entry to this area after obtaining a military security license to work during these times.

Ramadneh asked to allow the use of Syrian farmers because they cost less  and bring their families with them to help with the labor.

Another farmer, Rami Hussein, stated that this system is only working in the interest of Israel, regardless of how it affects farmers in the area.

Rami added that Jordanians are paying for this security from their own pocket and he demanded a solution.

Land-owners are obligated to adhere to Egyptian worker's demands, such as determining their own wages, since they are the only farmers  available in Zor. Rami further explained that if Syrian workers were approved, farmer's costs will cut in half.

Similarly, farmer Khaled Abd Al-Hadi said that tight security procedures hinder the freedom of agricultural workers in Zor Damia and threaten to end the agricultural sector entirely in this area.

AmmanNet tried to contact officials responsible for farmer entry to the Zor area,  however they could not be reached.

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