Representatives demand that the “general amnesty” be transformed into parliamentary “law and freedoms.”

الرابط المختصر

Amman Net - Mamdouh Al-Hanahna

Parliament and parties

Representative Saleh Al-Armouti said today in his talk to Amman Net that the current draft law is the largest General Amnesty Law in the history of General Amnesty Laws that issues exceptions, pointing out that there are more than 38 exceptions in the draft law, including an exception for murder and attempted murder in which the personal right was abrogated.

Al-Armouti noted that there is a contradiction in the draft law, indicating that slander and defamation crimes are included in the General Amnesty Law, and the same charges are not included in the Cybercrimes Law.

Al-Armouti said that the House of Representatives, in its session on Tuesday would transfer this law to the Legal Committee and the Joint Freedoms Committee.

For his part, MP Abdullah Abu Zaid, speaking to Amman Net, expressed his hope that the Council would transform the draft law into a joint “legality and freedoms” law, and amend it, demanding that it be similar to the law issued in 2011. He also described the draft law as "unsatisfactory" to the people and the representatives.

Abu Zeid added that the draft law is “incomplete”, and many cases are deleted from it, and it is not considered a general amnesty, as he described it.

It is noteworthy that the House of Representatives will hold a legislative session tomorrow, Tuesday, to discuss the draft general amnesty law approved by the government.