People and Deadly Digital Enslavement

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In recent years, concerns have been growing about the emergence of a new form of slavery called "digital enslavement." This term refers to a state where individuals are unable to act on their own accord and are controlled by the internet, spending extended periods of time online and submitting to its will forcefully. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is becoming increasingly common, with many people spending excessive amounts of time on social media platforms and internet applications, leading to a form of digital enslavement. This essay will discuss the indicators that point to this new form of slavery and the dangers it poses.


Digital enslavement can be defined as the inability to disconnect from the internet and being unable to control the amount of time spent online. It is characterized by a loss of willpower as people become increasingly dependent on technology to function in their daily lives. They become unable to prioritize their real-life responsibilities and instead prioritize spending time on the internet. This inability to prioritize is a clear indication of digital enslavement.


Another indicator of digital enslavement is the way the internet encourages people to chase false desires. Celebrities who live luxurious lifestyles often broadcast their lives on the internet, creating an illusion of what life should be like. This often leads to individuals pursuing materialistic goals that they cannot realistically achieve. This pursuit of false desires can make people dissatisfied with themselves and create a sense of enslavement to their unhealthy desires.


The quest for fame is another indicator of digital enslavement. People are obsessed with getting views and likes, leading to an addiction to social media platforms. The need for attention and approval from others can be overwhelming, leading to individuals spending long hours online and neglecting their real-life responsibilities. This addiction to fame can be a form of enslavement, as individuals become more concerned with what others think of them than with their own well-being.


The desire to present a better image of oneself to others is another aspect of digital enslavement. In the past, individuals were concerned with their social surroundings, but with the advent of social media, this concern has become global. People are constantly striving to show themselves in the best light possible, leading to a loss of individuality and a focus on the superficial aspects of life.


The internet has also created a new form of capitalism that is devoid of humanity. The internet has increased the concentration of wealth in the world, with the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer. As more jobs become automated, there is a growing threat of job loss, increasing the sense of digital enslavement. This new form of capitalism is creating false needs for people, making them captive to their desires and leading to a sense of enslavement.


In conclusion, digital enslavement is a growing concern in the modern world. With the internet becoming an essential part of daily life, individuals are becoming more dependent on technology, leading to a loss of willpower and an inability to prioritize real-life responsibilities. The pursuit of false desires, the addiction to fame, the desire to present a better image of oneself to others, and the new form of capitalism all contribute to this new form of enslavement. It is more dangerous than any enslavement in history, as it is insidious and invisible, making it difficult to identify and address. The internet has created a world that is devoid of humanity, with individuals becoming less happy and more stressed. It is imperative that we recognize the dangers of digital enslavement and take steps to counter it, so that we can live fulfilling lives that are not controlled by technology.

*Vice Dean of the Faculty of Media, Middle Eas

t University.