Only in Tafilah... Gas cylinder for JD6

Only in Tafilah... Gas cylinder for JD6
الرابط المختصر

A gas cylinders' distributor in Tafilah has decided to sell the single cylinder for JD6 starting early Ramadan. He started to set high selling records as he said that the gas is just as any other goods in the kingdom that can be submit to the offer and request strategy.

As a report for Al-Ghad newspaper by Faisal Qatameen mentioned, Ahmad Al-Sbool, the gas distributor has reiterated that he has the right to sell his goods at any price as long as it is below the prices set by the government.

Al-Sbool said that by selling the cylinder for JD6 he earns a little profit margin that can contribute in increasing the selling of the goods. Al-Sbool said that in Summer, people do not use gas that much as it is not the high season of the cylinders.

The creator of this idea said that every person must has his own regulations to activate his business, either by having offers or reducing its prices.

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