Maani says Jordanians don't go to Community Colleges

Maani says Jordanians don't go to Community Colleges
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Jordan's education minister Walid Maani has declared that his ministry is planning on "raising minimum GPA to enroll students in private universities from 60 to 65 in 2011." Minimum need to enter Jordan's universities this fall will remain at 60 for now. Maani made his statement via his twitter social networking site. In explaning his decision Maani said that 82% of school grads go to university and only 7% go to community & technical colleges. He concluded by saying this is not conducive to development." In another tweet Maani revealed that 35 programs will close in community colleges this year. " The reason no students want to enroll they are becoming aware of work opportunities," he said. Maani also stated that arrangements are being made for 300 Jordanians to go to Germany for scholarships to obtain PhDs starting Dec 2010. This will be the first group of 1200 Jordanians who will go to Germany for their Phds.

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