Laith Shubailat threatens to reveal letter to Royal Court

Laith Shubailat threatens to reveal letter to Royal Court
الرابط المختصر

Engineer Laith Shubailat has threatened to unveil the content of a letter he sent to the Royal Court earlier this week regarding the public protests in the kingdom.

The content of the letter was supposed to be of great interest for the receiver, and yet there has been no indication that it has reached the addressee or that would force Shubailat to reveal its content to public, according to the engineer.

Shubailat has also criticized the opposition groups, as he saw them as providing Jordanians with none of the necessary advice that would allow them to be as aware of the situation as possible.

Please find below the Laith Shubailat statement:

In the Name of Allah,

A statement by engineer Laith Shubailat:


After the blessed protests in Theeban, I started to write a secret and extensive letter to the President of the Royal Court. I spent a long time writing this letter because of the sensitive and precise criticism it contains. I finished writing it on 23-01-2011, and I dated it 24-01-2011, prior to the blessed Egyptian revolution. I began with the era of the 50s and 60s in the kingdom so that the young generation, His Majesty the King and the President of the Royal Court included, benefited from it, in case they decided to keep the letter hidden.

The letter would be of great interest to Jordanian society if it was to be revealed to the public.

I elected to keep this letter hidden to gain the most benefit from it. I sent it to all former General Intelligence Department managers, as they are all responsible in one way or another for the situation the country is going through. The director of the Public Security Department has received his own copy as well.

Two conditions were stated by which to maintain the confidentiality of this letter; the first was to regard it with due gravity and importance. The second was in case I were to be attacked, imprisoned, or assassinated.

When I was not offered any indication that my letter was being considered by officials-- or even that it was received-- I found myself obliged to issue this statement in public and to wait for few days before I continue with my plan and unveil the content of the letter, which I believe is of utmost importance for Jordanians.

I believe the content of this message is the true advice that our people should have in order to stop the expanding corruption peacefully. This is the level of understanding all reformers should be at, instead of utilizing the same approach that they have since 1989, the way that led only to reproducing injustice, whether intentionally or by coincidence.

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