Jameel Abu Bakr wanted at follow-up and inspection

Jameel Abu Bakr wanted at follow-up and inspection
الرابط المختصر

The department of civil services and passports has asked Jameel Abu Bakr, leader at Muslim brotherhood, to visit the follow-up and inspection directorate to rectify his legal status according to the legal and administrative disengagement decision.

Sources have told allofjo.net news website that once the department of civil services and passports has asked Abu Bakr to visit the follow-up and inspection directorate, he felt anxious and asked concerned parties to interfere.

This visit is all because he did not visit the occupied lands for 30 years, which makes it a must for him to rectify his status and obtain entry permissions.

Ministry of Interion told allofjo website that the Israeli forces shall apprehend Abu Bakr once he decides to visit Palestine due to the disengagement decision taken following the establishment of the Palestinian state.

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