How would Islamists boycott elections

How would Islamists boycott elections
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Islamic Action Front executive office member Zaki bani Rashid has revealed to Ammannet the most important events within the party's program to boycott the upcoming elections when the party gather on Sunday by people and parties decided to boycott the elections.

This comes in addition to a timed program set by the preparation committee that was formed in line with the election boycotting, this committee handles connecting with the private powers and social ones in Amman and other governerates not to mention tribes that agrees to boycott as well.

The program includes meetings, seminars, and sit-ins, while the party shall seek to extend the range of boycott to include a national conference that gather all powers boycotting the elections, according to Zaki.

In another issue, Bani Rashid has denied any real connection between the party and the government. He said that there are some discussion with the government, but they come in indirect way and not official approach. Rashid has asked the government to act seriously if it wants to talk, and not only to deliver statements.

Political Adviser to Prime Minister Samih Maaytah has said the the government is not against discussions with boycotting parties by saying the the government did not force Islamists to boycott the elections.

The Islamic Action Front and the Jordanian Democratic Popular Unity Party have held a meeting to discuss the national political situation in light of the latest updates especially with concern with the 2010 elections.

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