Damia farmers threaten to quit

Damia farmers threaten to quit
الرابط المختصر

Farmers at Damia area of Der Alla have threatened to quit their profession due to electricity not reaching their farmlands. The farms are about 5 kilometers away from the residential area in Der Alla.

Farmers have confirmed that they have sought all possible ways to ask officials at the Jordanian Electric Power Company (JEPC) to solve this problem, yet nothing has changed. The farmers told AmmanNet that officials at the Ministry of Public Works and Housing hold JEPC responsible since it demands blueprints from the farmers to expand the roads in order to supply them with electricity.

Saeed Obaidat, the director of the electricity company has said that his company is not against supplying these farms with electricity in order to fulfill their electricity pole requirement. He also explained that the company cannot plant electricity poles in areas outside their territory of jurisdiction.

Jameel Mashaqbeh, the director at Balqaa works department, holds the electricity company responsible for not supplying the farms in Damia with electricity since he argues that preparing such blueprints is not the responsibility of the public works department.

A farmer from Zor, Basel Ramadneh, highlighted the importance of supplying farms with electricity instead of fuel since it would save up to JD3000 annually per farm. Fuel is used to run the water pumps and irrigate the farms. Ramadneh also pointed out that using electricity instead of fuel to run these pumps costs only JD300 annually.

Farmer Murad Hussein mentioned that they cannot sleep at their farms for fear of pigs destroying their crops which would lead to extra costs, something they would not have to worry about if their farms were supplied with electricity.

Zor Damia farms are about 4000 acres of vegetable crops such as eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and about 500 greenhouses.

Zor Damia farms are about 4000 acres of vegetable crops such as eggplant, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and about 500 greenhouses.

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