CPA criticizes intention to increase SMS cost

CPA criticizes intention to increase SMS cost
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Consumer Protection Association has criticized mobile communication companies intention to increase the costs of international SMS from 60 piasters into 80 piasters.

The association has said in a press statement that the justifications of these companies providing this service are not logical as they say it is due to the low number of the international phone calls during last year.

The statement added that such international phone calls could add more burden on the shoulders of consumers, especially that the providers are gaining huge amounts of profits from other services that their original cost is much less than what they are been charged for.

The Consumer Protection Association has reiterated the importance of having more offers to give the consumer a variety of options to choose from, instead of the monopoly system that kills the competitive spirit.

The association has called on being rational in using mobile phone services and to use only when needed.

At the end of the statement, the Consumer Protection Association has asked the pre paid cards wholesale providers to stop abusing the retail providers by increasing the prices of these cards on retail providers, distributors, and users.

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