Consumers' protection demands control of stationery prices

Consumers' protection demands control of stationery prices
الرابط المختصر

Jordanian Consumers' Protection Society has demanded the concerned sides to control the prices of stationary that increased by 20% recently.

The society has said in a press statement today that it has received plenty of complaints about the increased prices of stationary in addition to the low quality of the materials used to made it in particularly pencils and school bags.

It has asked stationary dealers to take into consideration the economic situation of the families in Jordan and demanded them to earn low profit margins and not to take advantage of the upcoming school season especially that the purchasing power is at its minimum as this season comes with Ramadan and Eid.

At the end, the society has asked unions with high purchasing power to establish cooperative associations through which they can provide goods stationary is among other there in a moderate prices for citizens.

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