“Family crimes” phenomena rocks Jordanian society

“Family crimes” phenomena rocks Jordanian society
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Crimes that occur inside the one family the Jordanian society starts to hear a lot about in the past period of time have shocked many as they conveyed a different aspect when they came dissimilar to the known violence in the society or even inside the family itself.

We have the mother that killed her two sons in Salt, the man who killed his mother and sister in Maan, and the brother who killed his brother where all crimes came for unknown reasons.

Sociologist Dr. Musa Eshtewi looks at such phenomena of social violence as one that needs more study to know the dimensions and characteristics by psychiatrists and criminal attitude specialists to determine the direct and indirect circumstances surrounding these crimes.

Eshteiwi said that some crimes are listed the normal crimes that occur at any society, other ones are new to our Jordanian society that we started to witness two years ago. The overall changes are the main reason behind these crimes, according to Dr. Musa.

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