داود كُتّاب

Over dinner in Bethlehem, this week, I mentioned to my brother in law how Israel has strategically succeeded in cutting off the Gaza Strip from the West Bank. While agreeing with me, he told me of what a senior Israeli officer once told him shortly after the beginning of the Oslo process. The

Donations are meant to be optional, which means that a person is free to pay this amount or not. In this case, this issue applies on us as Arabs in general, although the individual citizen thinks he is obliged to pay this donation for occupying forces. What is this donation and how do I reached to

من بديهيات فكرة التبرعات أنها طوعية، أي أنه يحق للمعطي أن يقوم بالتبرع أو الامتناع عن ذلك، وفي هذه الحالة تنطبق الفكرة علينا كعرب بشكل عام ولو أن المواطن الفرد قد يعتقد أنه مجبر على تقديم هذه التبرع للاحتلال. ما هو هذا التبرع وكيف توصلت إلى هذا المبلغ وهل فعلا ممكن عدم تقديم هذا "التبرع" بدون أي ضرر

Arab civil society leaders gathered on the shores of the Dead Sea were quite sure about the future of Arab youth. Leaders from Lebanon, Egypt, Yemen, Palestine (both West Bank and Gaza) and Jordan were invited by Naseej (“weaving” in Arabic), a five-year community development initiative launched in

he visitor from Washington, who represented an independent democracy foundation, asked two questions to a group of Jordanian intellectuals: “Where do you see the potential for genuine reform in Jordan and the Arab region? If we were to fund any particular group which would it be? “When it comes to

مدير عام شبكة الإعلام المجتمعي. أسس العديد من المحطات التلفزيونية والإذاعية في فلسطين والأردن والعالم العربي.