داود كُتّاب

With little fanfare in Washington, and with few countries in the world noticing, President Barack Obama signed into law an act that will hold governments all around the world accountable for violations of human rights. The Daniel Pearl Act of 2009, signed into law on May 27, 2010 is an amendment to

Jordan's education minister Walid Maani has declared that his ministry is planning on "raising minimum GPA to enroll students in private universities from 60 to 65 in 2011." Minimum need to enter Jordan's universities this fall will remain at 60 for now. Maani made his statement via his twitter

Minister of Education Walid Maani made a public announcement about the future of a university program using the social networking site, twitter. Maani who is a newcomer on twitter asked visitors to the international sites for ideas as to the best way to improve higher education in Jordan. Journalist

لا أعرف ما هي مواقف حارس المرمى الاسباني السياسية ولست من المعارضين لقيام النجوم الرياضية أو الفنية باتخاذ مواقف سياسية. لا شك أن الخبر حول عزم إيكر كاسيس "عدم حضور حفلات المنتخب الاسباني حتى رفع الحصار عن غزة" والذي نشر على عدة مواقع إلكترونية يوم الأحد بما فيها موقع "عمان نت" وتم نشر تعليقات حوله

Over dinner in Bethlehem, this week, I mentioned to my brother in law how Israel has strategically succeeded in cutting off the Gaza Strip from the West Bank. While agreeing with me, he told me of what a senior Israeli officer once told him shortly after the beginning of the Oslo process. The

مدير عام شبكة الإعلام المجتمعي. أسس العديد من المحطات التلفزيونية والإذاعية في فلسطين والأردن والعالم العربي.