Yassin seeks Royal Court’s defense

Yassin seeks Royal Court’s defense
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Lawyer Issam Yassin, a member of the Yassin family, has told AmmanNet that his family decided not to recourse to courts regarding the statement issued by 36 tribal figures accusing the family of abusing the Queen’s post financially, as the Yassins left the matter for the Royal Court to defend them.

This decision was taken following a gathering for family members headed by Faisal Al-Yassin, the father of Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Yassin.

Issam Yassin has told AmmanNet previously that the family will gather in order to discuss the statement issued against it and was published by the AFP in order to reach a decision about their next action.

He also said that the family denies any interfere in business other than their own, claiming that the family is already wealthy and that they find it strange to be accused of abusing Her Majesty’s post financially, according to AFP.

In regards to starting legal action, lawyer Issam did not exclude this option; yet, he mentioned that the family is standing by the Royal Court, who already initiated action against the AFP, as the French agency published the statement from one point of view only.

Issam said that the family will not discuss the matter with the 36 tribal figures, as Al-Yassin opted to distant himself from such discussion for the interests of Jordan.

The statement accused the Queen of abusing her power for her family’s own interest. The family also demanded the return of a piece of land it said that the Queen seized and gave to family members.

It is worth mentioning that the Yassin family is originally from Toulkarem City in the West Bank.

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