Wednesday sit-ins in front of new Prime Minister’s office already calling for change (Photos)

Wednesday sit-ins in front of new Prime Minister’s office already calling for change (Photos)
الرابط المختصر

Around 150 Jordanians have gathered for a sit-in in front of the Prime Ministry building asking the new Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit to step down in an activity called ‘ring the changing bell’.

The sit-in has also asked for the formation of a national rescue government, the re-establishment of the ministry of supply, and the amendment of the election law and the public gathering law.

Participants had different points of view about the Islamists’ decision not to participate in the protests set to take place on Friday, as some considered it a matter of freedom of expression.

The most important point protesters made  was that the change of Prime Minister would not change their demand for a new mechanism by which to appoint the P.M. in the kingdom.

Pictures from the sit-in...

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