Three proposals for formation of Teachers Association

Three proposals for formation of Teachers Association
الرابط المختصر

The commission discussing the formation of the country's first teachers union has submitted three proposals about the association, which would include a public body of members who would pay an annual fee, and a central council elected by the general assembly. Representatives would come from all governorates of the Kingdom. The proposals differ in the ratio of membership from different provinces and the means of electing representatives. The three proposals are as follows:

First Proposal

1. The central body: composed of equal representation from all provinces of the Kingdom, elected by the union's general assembly.

2. Council branches for each province: the board for each province would be elected, to consist of at least nine and no more than fifteen members. A branch president, as well as a branch vice president, secretary and treasury would also be elected.

3. The association council: would meet with the central body in the province and elect a representative

Second Proposal:

1. The central body: this depends on the proposed merger between the level of representation at the level of districts and provinces, where three members from each directorate are currently allocated, and proportional representation at the country level, where the ratio is currently 1 member for every 400 people.

Third Proposal:

1. For the central body, proportional representation would be one member for each 500 people, to ensure justice and representation for all.

The chairman of the council, additionally, would not be permitted to run for more than two calendar years. Two-thirds of the central committee may also agree to refer a member in violation of the union's laws to an appropriate court.

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