Thabahtoona: Muwazi fees increased at Balqaa Applied Uni

Thabahtoona: Muwazi fees increased at Balqaa Applied Uni
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Thabahtoona campaign has reiterated that the Balqaa Applied university has decided to increase the fees of the muwazi learning program by 30-40%.

This decision was taken in order to minimize the governmental support the university receive and to resolve the problem of the budget deficit following the decision of the higher education council to decrease the number of the accepted students at the muwazi program by 50%.

The campaign has already warned from the consequences of canceling the muwazi program that forms JD25m of the budget incomes in the middle of assurance from the minister of education Waleed Maani that there shall be no increase in the prices of university fees.

Dr. Fakher Daas, thabahtoona campaign leader said that Balqaa university must admit the disorder caused by the lack of the governmental support instead of moving to take from the pockets of the students to close the gap it has in the budget.

Daas has warned the universities not to think easy of increasing the fees as it has reflections on the quality of the teaching process and turning governmental universities into private ones.

He has also expected that other governmental universities such as Jordan university, Technology University, and others, might opt to do the same action to minimize the deficit in their budgets.

Many muwazi program students have met such decision in resentment in the light of the increase of all live aspects that shall create a stand of anger among students and teachers.

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