Rifai Denis Father Ran Government

Rifai Denis Father Ran Government
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Former Prime Minister Samir Rifai reconfirmed the decision he made to ban certain websites. He explained he was not punishing the websites, but instead he was aiming to eliminate government employee distraction during official work time. Rifai added that an employee’s time is not their own, since it is citizens who pay the salaries of public officials.

In response to a number of questions submitted to his personal profile on the social networking site "Facebook," Rifai denied rumours that his father was an unidentified soldier who was running his government. He said, "When I was asked to form the government, it was myself and my fellow ministers who worked under the Letter of Designation in order to form a government that would serve the best interests of the citizens of Jordan. I also took into consideration former Prime Ministers and other official's point of view." Rifai stresses that he did his job based on his personal beliefs and takes responsibility for all his governmental decisions.

Rifai stated that no one has the right to punish someone because their father is a former minister or a senior official in the country. He also pointed out the importance of being responsible for his own achievements and not those of his family.

The former PM said that anti-corruption should start by fighting corrupt officials, those who use their connections and abuse their position to hurt innocent people.

When asked what the most difficult decisions he has had to make were, the former PM said that is was trying to fix problems because it was difficult to chose between quick fixes or gains in the long run. Rifai said, " My government was not interested in temporarily solving problems," quick fixes don't last, much like prescribing a patient a pain killer when what they really need is surgery.

Rifai responded to questions on his "Facebook" profile by stating that 38 Prime Ministers have headed the Jordanian government since the establishment of the Kingdom in 1921, adding that the late King Hussein and the current King Abdullah II  "selected these people because they believed they could led Jordan and its citizens."

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