Protests at “Al-Rai” and Jordan Times… Who bears responsibility for the strike?

Protests at “Al-Rai” and Jordan Times… Who bears responsibility for the strike?
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On February 24th, strikes began at both daily newspapers "Al-Rai" and the English-language Jordan Times, the first sit-in in the history of the most widely-read newspaper in the Kingdom. Now, the sit-ins enter their twenty-sixth day, amidst silence from both the government and the newspapers' administration, and protesters are getting anxious, planning for a strike that would occur next week, and would effectively "cripple" "Al-Rai," halting publication for the first time in the newspaper's history.

Protesters are demanding corrections to the imbalance in the salary scale, and also calling for reform in the newspaper's administration, citing "waste and indiscipline" and "suspicion of corruption" in the newspaper's upper ranks.

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