Opposition: Gov disqualified to lead current stage

Opposition: Gov disqualified to lead current stage
الرابط المختصر

The upper cooperative committee for opposition parties has warned in a memorandum sent to Prime Minister Samir Rifai of going along with what it called 'wasting projects' that aims at giving away the Palestinian case to the Israelis.

All this came today during the press conference held by the upper cooperative committee for opposition at the headquarters of the Islamic Action Front where the committee has rejected any negotiations with the Israeli part as it looks at the Palestinian case as one that never resolved with negotiations, but with resistance, according to Akram Hemsi, the secretary general of the Baath Party.

As for the Jordanian participation at the negotiations, Faraj Tumaizi, the vice general secretary of the socialist party, has said it will not get Jordan any good, as the kingdom should have taken a different stand of it.

The cooperative committee has reiterated during this conference on the importance of depending on a reform program lead by a national government as the committee's spokesman, Hamzah Mansour, has described the current government as disqualified to lead the current stage.

The opposition parties have criticized the government that takes its decisions without consulting anyone and for marginalizing the parliament's role. Mansour has reminded every one that the government is expanding the range of the temporarily laws taken in the absence of the parliament.

Despite disagreement within opposition parties over their stand of the upcoming elections, they all have reiterated on the right of each and every party in taking its own decision of participating in the elections.

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