MPs call on Rifai to resign from post

MPs call on Rifai to resign from post
الرابط المختصر

11 MPs have submitted a warrant in which they have asked the government presided by Prime Minister Samir Rifai to resign immediately.

This warrant was due to the continues efforts of Member of Parliament Abdullah Nusoor who claimed that the budget deficit and the hard living conditions Jordanians live in, led to the interfere of His Majesty King Abdullah II when he ordered the decrease of main goods’ prices.

The elen MPS signed on this warrant are: Abdullah Nusoor, Tamam Riyati, Salah Maharmeh, Musa Zawahreh, Wafaa bani Mustafa, Hazem Oran, Myasar Sardeyeh, Abdul Jalil Sulaimat, Mubarak Tuwal, Owd Zawaydeh, and Ghazi Musharbash.

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