Minister of labor reprimands farmers for previous sit-in

Minister of labor reprimands farmers for previous sit-in
الرابط المختصر

Minister of Labor Samir Murad has reprimanded a delegation that represents Jordan Valley farmers during a meeting he scheduled with them to study a complaint of the farmers regarding work permits for foreigner workers.

This delegation withdrew for what they described as an insult for the farmers. Farmer Samir Fazzaa told Ammannet that the minister assaulted the farmers sharply at the beginning of their meeting in a upper tone because of a previous sit-in last Monday in from of the ministry.

The minister has accused the farmers of being uncivilized, according to Fazzaa, as he said” You were uncivilized during the previous sit-in and I will not tolerate such thing next time. I am Samir Murad, and I shall hit with a fist of iron”. “I was capable of spreading you you in my own way, yet, I went down to maintain your dignity” he added.

150 farmers have had their sit-in last Monday in front of the ministry of labor where they refused to go up to the minister's office and insisted that he comes down to the street, according to fazzaa. The minister went down and met with them and asked them to form a delegation to meet up with him on Thursday.

The group of farmers has formed a delegation and came to the office of the minister where a number of the ministry was waiting for them in addition to the general secretary of the ministry of agriculture as part of the matter they came for.

Fazzaa said that the minister started his assault by saying “I do not allow that you raise your voices, I represent His Majesty the King” in a reference to the the applauds during the sit-in.

The delegation has refused to carry on with the meeting that was supposed to be technical and talks about details of the complaint.

Some of the delegation members felt that the minister brought them to avenge from them over the sit-in when they insisted that he should come down to the street.

The delegation is studying a away to respond to this insult, and things are expected to be escalated during the upcoming few days.

Ammannet is still trying to contact the ministry of labor to listen to their point of view.

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