Members of Parliament Threaten Resignation for Fear of Parliament Dissolution

Members of Parliament Threaten  Resignation for Fear of Parliament Dissolution
الرابط المختصر

Member of Parliament (MP) Zaid Shqairat is one of the MPs who is considering resigning from the membership  of the Council in response to the rumors about the dissolution of the House of Representatives. This would happen in the event of an adoption of a new election law that would marginalize the role of the Council and the predominance of the executive branch within the legislature.

Shqairat told "AmmanNet" that the House of Representatives was resentful and fearful of the seriousness of the dissolution of the House of Representatives, saying that it was a constitutional violation, "dissolving the House overrides the will of the people and homeland, and the streets will lose confidence in the Jordanian elections. "

He stressed that an investigation of some influential figures within the Council who have covered up significant abuses in the past, will reveal the involvement of several people.

Shkirat mentioned the government's role in marginalizing the Council by giving the example of 6 governors who were dismissed after the resolution of the regular session for personal reasons,  "if the Government has hatred for its own representatives, than this is not the kind of government we want."

Shqairat considered the lack of Parliamentary involvement in the political movement for reform which includes the establishment of a constitutional amendment and the Committee on the National Dialogue and Committee on  Economic Dialogue which marginalizes the Council's role in political life, because the Council represents the will of the people and not the will of one person.

He reasons that the marginalization of the Council enables the executive branch to intrude the legislative branch and causes the Council to lack the effective laws to have an active role in political decision making.

Shqairat said that there have been phone calls and group meetings among a large number of MPs in an attempt to make a joint decision on what the next step will be, including mass resignations which would be revealed next week.

The newspaper "Al-Arab Al-Yawm" quoted a "reliable" parliamentary member as saying that several MPs have collectively resigned their membership from the Council. He called this "cautioning executive power from marginalizing legislative authority," explaining that seven deputies are now consulting with other representatives to join the "movement of mass resignation from the Council," which numbers more than 15 members so far.

The source added, according to "Al-Arab Al-Yawm," that their decision to resign reached the higher authorities, who are reviewing the situation, and seven other legislators will join later to decided what will happen.

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