Jordanian Salafists demand release of prisoners

Jordanian Salafists demand release of prisoners
الرابط المختصر

Salafists in Jordan have asked the government again to reconsider their decisions according to Islamic Sharia, as well as set Salafist prisoners free from Jordanian prisons.

Over 300 protesters of the Salafi have currently gathered in front of the Prime Ministry in their third sit-in and called for the Holy Quran to be the one legitimate Sharia reference, demanding the release of their colleagues from prisons, and stressing that there is no legislation but Allah’s legislation.

Salafi current theorist Abed Shihadeh Al-Tahawi has demanded the release of all prisoners since prisons began holding Salafist prisoners in 1999. Tahawi added that because Sameeh Al-Bateekhi stole billions of dollars yet was released, why should Abu Omar, Abu Sayyaf, Abu Mohammad Al-Maqdisy remain?

Tahawi also reiterated that the Salafi Jihadist party has not given up its basic foundations which, according to him, were Allah’s words and the Sharia’s constitution. He also announced his party’s rejection of the human laws.

Abed Shihade has added that the main cause of the Salafist party is the same as the Palestinian cause, in addition to supporting weak Muslim groups, wherever they may be.

From his side, Saad Al-Hunaity has warned of sectarianism between East Bank Jordanians and Jordanians of Palestinian origin, by those who he described as “night bats,” who do not dare to appear by daylight.

Al-Hunaity addressed theses “bats” and told them that they are trying to spread sectarianism by telling Palestinians that Jordanians will rule you, and telling Jordanians that Palestinians will rule them. We say that we want the Holy Quran to rule us.

Mohammad Al-Balawi, brother of Hammam Al-Balawi, AKA the Khost suicide attacker, has made threats as well and called for releasing all prisoners, or risk “opening a door that cannot be closed again.” Al-Balawi said that we shall make out of Hammam a Bo Azizi of Jordan.

Al-Balaw said, additionally, that they will leak pictures of intelligence officers among Jordanians and expose them.

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