International Day of Non Violence

International Day of Non Violence
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International Day of Non Violence‘Mahatma Gandhi was Angel of Peace’- Arab Assembly of Non- Violence International Advisor Dr.

Naseer Homoud

Doha/ October 3, 2009

Advisor for International Affairs and Honorary Member of Arab Non- Violence Assembly Dr.

Naseer Homoud’s message on International Day of Non Violence. He urged people to implement

philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi in their lives for promoting non violence, truth, harmony and

peace so that the goal of a true egalitarian world can be accomplished.

Observing the International Day of Non Violence, Dr. Naseer Homoud Advisor for International Affairs

and Honorary Member of Arab Non- Violence Assembly has called for global peace and disarmament

by adopting philosophy of non violence. “It is high time when world civilization should come forward

with determined motive of non violence” Dr. Naseer said while delivering his message on this notable

day. Gandhi believed nonviolence needs more courage than violence, said the Goodwill Ambassador. "He

advised people not to fight in the name of God and religion. He emphasized that God does not belong to

one society, religion or nation. God dwells in the heart of all human beings. Gandhi said, if you wish to

see change in the world, change yourself. When we change, the world changes”, said Dr. Homoud.

On 15 June 2007, The United Nations General Assembly agreed to observe the International Day of

Non-Violence each year on 2 October – the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, who helped lead

India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. It is worth

noting that non-violence, tolerance, full respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all,

democracy, development, mutual understanding and respect of diversity, are interlinked and mutually

reinforcing, The UN General Assembly while inviting UN family, member states, NGOS and individual

to commemorate the International Day in an appropriate manner and to disseminate the message of non-

violence, including through education and public awareness. “The International Day of non violence is

an opportunity for all peace loving individuals around the world to honor their pledge to create a better

world, by urging governments, communities and individuals to enact a global ceasefire and bring us all

one-step closer to world peace” Dr. Homoud further contended.

Dr. Homoud who is also Goodwill Ambassador and Director of Middle East office for the

Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina against Malnutrition (IIMSAM), the

Permanent Observer to the United Nations Economic and Social Council provided a comprehensive

view of valuable contribution of Mahatma Gandhi to Indian freedom struggle and the making of modern

India and impact of Gandhian philosophy on modern political thoughts. He emphasized the importance

of adhering to Gandhi’s message of non-violence in present-day world and called for following the

Gandhian spirit in seeking innovative and constructive solutions to present day problems. Mahatma

Gandhi, the father of non-violence, was an extraordinary leader of peace and human rights. With

nothing but simplicity, truth and honesty, Gandhi developed a powerful weapon, Satyagraha, which

means 'insistence on truth using non-violent non-cooperation', and employed it successfully to win

freedom, independence, reform and equality of all human beings.

“Gandhi’s message of love and peace, of non-violence, of the equality of all peoples, of harmony between

all religions, is a universal message. It is a message for all times, for all societies and for all peoples” said

Dr. Homoud. He asserted that Mahatma’s message is more important today than ever before since nations

across the world continue to grapple with the threat of conflict, violence and terrorism. “For as long as

there is temptation to resort to violence in the human mind, the Mahatma’s message of non-violence will

tug at our hearts”, said Dr. Homoud.

The key words we associate with Gandhi are tolerance, truth, transparency, non-violence and self-

respect. There is a permanence in these principles and values that transcends and unites humankind. He

had abiding regard for the dignity of labor. He showed the meek the power they could conjure up from

within themselves and all it needs is the courage to silently but surely keep faith and act with courage and

with purpose, said Dr. Homoud. As long as there is strife and injustice, as long as there is inequality and

indignity in the human condition, as long as there is pain and suffering, as long as there is violence and

hatred, the ideas and ideals of Mahatma Gandhi will resonate and find followers everywhere, he said.

Dr. Homoud further urged for efforts which should be committed to building a culture of peace. This

issue lies at the heart of any peace loving individual. “Since it comes from core of my heart, the question

of peace, peace education using fundamentals of Gandhian philosophy of non violence has always been

my main priority” he said. He further goes on saying "Peace can never be fully guaranteed and covered

by commercial interests, military alliances, general disarmament or bilateral treaties if the spirit of peace

is not present in the hearts and desires of people, the things which can only be accounted by spearing love

and solidarity among people as Mahatma successfully did”.

While asserting for the unified planning to fight menaces of world hunger and malnutrition in world, Dr

Homoud said that without being able to feed the under privileged and marginalized section of the world,

who are struggling with their survivals due to starvation, no programme for peace would be effective.

While echoing the words of Mahatma ‘there are people so hungry in the world that God cannot appear to

them except in the form of bread’, Dr. Homoud urged nations to come up with unified strategy to support

IIMSAM role in fighting underfeeding and world hunger.

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