IAF demands release of human rights report on events of March 25

IAF demands release of human rights report on events of March 25
الرابط المختصر

The Islamic Action Front has stated that before the government can convince citizens that it contains adequate political will for reform, that it must first deal seriously with the report of the National Center for Human Rights about the break-up of the protests at the Interior Ministry Circle, form a neutral committee to investigate those events and publish the results, bring the perpetrators of the violence to justice, and from here on provide adequate protection for protesters.

The party also said in a statement Tuesday that the government should translate into action the directives that King Abdullah II explicitly laid out in a letter addressed to Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit on March 22, which called for him to take decisive, swift action on the path of reform, stressed the need for the independence and freedom of expression at the Kingdom's universities, to investigate the arrest of student Munther Na'im Abul Rahman, and put an end to such practices overall, which are aimed at terrorizing citizens and preventing their participation in the call for reform.

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