Government reconsiders media code of conduct

Government reconsiders media code of conduct
الرابط المختصر

The Jordanian government has decided to initiate a thorough investigation reviewing the code of conduct that arranges the relation between the government and the media in a way that guarantees freedom of journalism in the kingdom as well as the importance of keeping the independency of journalism as a profession and support it as a fundamental component in developing a society and removing all obstacles that impede investment in the field of media and limis the potential journalistic efficiency in serving the public interest. Prime Minister Marouf Al-Bakhit has reiterated that the Jordanian journalist is a journalist for the kingdom and not only a given sector.

The cabinet has also decided to study and evaluate public gathering law in addition to submitting a draft of its revision to kickstart national dialogue about the issue on a given time table regarding the election, parties, and municipality laws.

The cabinet has discussed political and economic reform with regards to the socioeconomic method as PM Al-Bakhit confirmed that his government will move towards the controlled market while taking the social dimension into consideration.

The new cabinet has insisted on the importance of finding solutions for day labourers at the Ministry of Irrigation and Agriculture in a way that will find them all back to their jobs under a well-studied plan that considers the general circumstances in the country.

From their sides, Ministers of Finance and Foreign Affairs Mohammad Abu Hamour and Naser Judeh, have explained the plans of their ministries to face the previous problems and the new methodologies to be followed while they are both in post.

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