Employees suffer from embedded lay off

Employees suffer from embedded lay off
الرابط المختصر

*Work phobia affects in employees

*Jordanians target governmental employment for job security

*Private sector companies resort to embedded lay off recently

*Salaries deduction goes back for employees fund

Employee Mohammad Barhomi has fed up with the regional shipping company he is working for after being under enormous pressure at work in order to reach the limit at which he resigns on volunteer basis.

Barhomi has been working for this company for ten years where it suffers from set back in its profits to force administration to put pressure under senior employees that earn more than JD800 per month.

These pressures come in the shape of difficulties obtaining vacations, receiving bonuses, or having their salaries deducted over being late for 5 minutes at work.

Emad Abu Khadijah works a a private company, felt surprised last month to receive a salary deduction by earning JD460 instead of JD550 due to working insufficient hours.

When Emad went to the administration to inquire about this incident, he has been told by a worker at the administration that it is better for him to resign as he is not welcomed.

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