Eleven police officers tried for 'torture' in 2010

Eleven police officers tried for 'torture' in 2010
الرابط المختصر

The President of the office of the Board of Grievances in the Directorate of Public Security, Colonel Maher Al-Sheshani , revealed that the number of complaints of torture that were handled by the Bureau during the previous months reached 321.

Al-Shishani told AmmanNet that 11 police officers were tried before the Police Court for cases of "torture" in 2010.

He stressed that public security policies are applied in accordance with the International Convention on Human Rights; in terms of staff training, rehabilitation and activation of supervisors performance, and the accountability of perpetrators in cases of proven torture.

Jordanian human rights organizations celebrated 'International Day against Torture' on June 26th, in which states renewed their commitments and implemented the International Convention by adopting national legislation.

The Commissioner-General at the National Center for Human Rights, Dr. Touq, emphasized that there is no systematic torture in Jordan, “There are no policies or instructions issued by the supreme bodies, it depends on the behavior of the individual.”

The Executive Director of the Law Group for Human Rights (Balance), Eva Abu Halawa, stressed the importance of prosecuting based on individual practice and compensating the victims of torture. Consistent with Abu Halawa, the President of the Center for Human Rights Justice, Asim Al-Rababah, stressed the need to limit jurisdiction over crimes of torture to regular courts instead of police courts, which are not guaranteed to have fair trials.

Human Rights Organizations agree with the recommendations of the National Center for Human Rights that abolish the death penalty, solitary confinement, and the Crime Prevention Act, which gives loose powers to those in charge of detaining citizens. The Center also demands regular medical examinations for all those who are in detention, contact with families and lawyers,  as well as records detailing names, arrest warrants, traffic, and transportation.

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