Discussing issues

Discussing issues
الرابط المختصر

The good people of the old city on top of the mountains are fasting during the holy month of Ramadan in scorching heat, but some domestic issues made things even hotter for them, mainly the way things are being run.

The issues include tax hikes and hiring people who are not fit to handle sensitive jobs, as well as complaints from teachers, judges, journalists and per-diem labourers. The wise men of the old city saw a pressing need to discuss the situation, so they called for an urgent meeting.

"We know that there are numerous families who are unable to secure even basic foodstuff. Our officials have to understand that and other needs, and consider them before taking any decision," a wise man said.

Another one voiced other concerns: "We fear those who live in ivory towers, far away from reality. Their higher education and diplomas, along with the most sophisticated and modern forms of communications, cannot replace direct contact with the people. Responsibility should not be a mere opportunity to show off. It should be shouldered and exercised through interacting with the public."

The eldest of the wise men added: "All what was said in this meeting is true. Constructive criticism is healthy and a necessity, and bears fruit. The cyber crimes law has been amended thanks to dialogue. And I can assure you that other issues you mentioned will be addressed one after the other in the same manner."

But the wise man warned that "our enemy is closely watching us and taking advantage of every opportunity to throw oil on the fire and try to destabilise the country for its own vested interests”.

“If you don't like the captain, you should not sink the boat. You should be cautious and alert. You should differentiate between those who are honest and those who thrive on exaggeration for their own interests,” he said.

To officials he added: "You should not look down on people and threaten them. You should treat people with respect and build trust, so that all of us can work together, hand in hand, for a better future."

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