Damia residents complain over Israeli bad smell

Damia residents complain over Israeli bad smell
الرابط المختصر

Residents and farmers in Damia area of Der Alla close to the border with Israel have complained over a bad smell coming from Jordan River side.

Residents said that the nature of such smell is strange as they could not recognize it, yet, some suspected that it could be an Israeli landfill for liquids thrown in the Jordan River.

Farmer Abdulhakim Ramadnah, who lives near the Israeli border has reported, as farmers are complaining from this smell, to the Directorate of Environment in Der Alla that, as he told AmmanNet, did not care for his complain.

Ramadnah added that they went to the Mayor at first because we thought that this smell is coming from Der Alla landfill. The Mayor told as after his own researches that there was no smell from Der Alla landfill as the processing methodology is taking its right path.

Abdulhakim said that one of the fishermen at the Israeli border told them that this smell is coming from the Israeli side, not the Jordanian.

Residents have started to have this smell few months ago, but it has been increasing recently, according to what they told AmmanNet.

Raed Masalha, a resident at the area, has told AmmnNet that the smell is too strong and it seems as it is a sewage smell. Masalha added that the residents are having this smell for 3 days a week.

Residents confirmed to AmmanNet that they do not stand staying at their own homes during these three days.

Raed Masalha believes that the Ministry of Environment should interfere and discuss the source of this smell with the Israeli side to find out mutual solutions to solve this thing out.

Hamza Abdulhadi, in turn, has complained from this smell as he added that the border area is suffering a lot as Israelis are giving them bad times and causing them many problems. Abdulhadi outlined the wild pigs’ problem as he said that it attacks their farms, not to mention this landfill issue.

Hamza has confirmed that this smell is coming from Sheshaa area in Israel, which is about 10 kilometers away from the Jordan River. He believes that this liquid waste is moving down to the Dead Sea and that is why it is undiscoverable.

Jordan Vally Authority has formed a team to discover the true and examine the Jordan River. The committee, according to Saad Abu Hammour the general secretary at the authority, has came to a conclusion that the water of the River is clean and did not suffer any change in its color.

This committee has gone to the area of the Israeli Army at the border who reiterated to the Jordanians that this smell is coming from an Israeli area 10 kilometers away from the Jordan River.

Abu Hamour said that Jordan has nothing to do as the smell’s source is outside Jordan’s jurisdiction area.

Ministry of Environment has promised to look for the truth to know if such landfill really exists in Israel as the ministry’s spokesman Issa Shboul declared.

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