Collaboration agreement between Dutch embassy, CMN

Collaboration agreement between Dutch embassy, CMN
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Community Media Network (CMN) represented by its president Daoud Kuttab, and the Dutch embassy in Jordan represented by ambassador Joanna van Vliet have signed a collaboration agreement by which the embassy offer CMN JD70,000 for 'Human Rights Documentaries' program, the first of its kind in Jordanian radio stations that is being broadcasted through Al-Balad Radio 92.4 FM.

The Dutch ambassador to Jordan said that the importance of this collaboration comes in light of supporting human rights programs and increasing awareness all over the Kingdom. She also expressed her extreme support for this program that tackles daily life issues by layman who presents their problems and provide ways of rectifying them.

Focusing on human rights is one of Holland's main causes dealing with its foreign policy specially in 2010. The embassy gives extra attention to programs enhancing women rights, freedom of expression, democracy, and the rule of law.

Community Media Network president Daoud Kuttab said that the goal of the project is to get passed the shallow coverage of human rights issues in order to get to full scaled coverage that results in having results for these issues.

It is worth mentioning that this program called 'Nas wa Nas' (People vs people) is done by colleague Mohammad Shamma through which he broadcasts a documentary series that has to do with human rights issues regarding Jordanian's life in Amman and other governerates.

Shamma said that his program will issue a series of documentaries each of which tackles a different human right.

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