Citizens ask gov not to raise petroleum prices in Ramadan

Citizens ask gov not to raise petroleum prices in Ramadan
الرابط المختصر

Citizens have asked the government not to increase the prices of petroleum products during the holy month of Ramadan that is expected to be increased by 4% next Thursday.

Others have asked that prices stand still as it is especially in Ramadan as any increase in prices will be in the same time as that of other products and mainly the vegetables.

Locals think that there is no profit in increasing the prices of kerosene after all those new taxes imposed recently that shall add extra financial burden on Jordanians' shoulders in a way they can not bear.

Jordanians are afraid from a negative reflection of petroleum products increased prices in the sector of transportation, food stuff, clothes, and other producing sectors in the kingdom in the coming months.

Some of the people Ammannet met with said that they have started to use the public transportation instead of their own vehicles due to the high prices of petroleum products.

President of the Gas Stations Owners Association Fahd Fayez said that the association has asked the government not to increase the prices to make things easier somehow on Jordanians, yet, the government insists on increasing the prices by 3-4%.

Fayez said that such increase is one way of supplementing the treasury and helping the kingdom in reducing the deficit.

He reiterated Ammannet that the increase of Brent oil price to reach 4.7% in the upcoming two days shall not be considered in raising the local prices to a rate of more than 4%.

It is to be mentioned that the government has raised the prices of petroleum products according to the last pricing for the fifth time during this year in rates ranging between 1.9% and 2.3%.

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