Bani Kenana District Demands Release of Adakkamsh

Bani Kenana District Demands Release of Adakkamsh
الرابط المختصر

The Bani Kenana District raised banners with images of the soldier Ahmed Adakkamsh during a procession for the Royal visit of the King to see the Major General on Monday. The banners included slogans that demanded the release of Adakkamsh.

The MPs who attended the meeting requested that Adakkamsh be given special amnesty.

MPs Nairman al-Rousan, Yahya Obeidat, and Ali Malkawi spoke at the meeting, as well as former MP Salah al-Zoubi.

MP Nairman al-Rousan presented a statement to the King saying, "You, who have overwhelmed us with your generosity and nobility in the Hashemite Kingdom , will have a clear conscience if you pardon Ahmed Adakkamsh, one of your soldiers who defended his homeland with honour and faith." Rousan told AmmanNet, "We look forward to honouring the Kingdom and removing his sentence. This will bring joy to every home and person, both inside and outside the district."

Rousan said that the son of Ahmed Adakkamsh overseas meetings with the King and told him, "I want my father to be released."

The tribe decided to raise Adakkamsh images and logos on both sides of the road after they were excluded by the organizers from the meeting. The request was denied by the Bani Kenana  judge.

The judge told AmmanNet in remarks to his decision, that all the sons of the district were represented in the Royal meeting on Sunday, no one was excluded.

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