AmmanNet exclusive: U.S. Peace Plan is 60 pages long

AmmanNet exclusive: U.S. Peace Plan is 60 pages long
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Washington- The American peace plan that is expected to be made public after the 9th of April Israeli elections is reportedly made up of sixty pages. Reliable media sources in the US capital told Ammannet that the Trump Administration will be making the plan known to all the relevant parties to the conflict “at the same time” with the hope of receiving their written responses to the plan. Sources in Washington say the plan extensively covers security, and economic issues while it is vague and sketchy on political issues. A White House official would not specify to Ammannet how many pages the plan saying that the plans is “not two or three pages” but that it is “dozens” of pages long. “We have written a vision for peace comprised of many pages, enough for each Israeli and Palestinian to read and imagine what peace could look like, and what their lives could be, if we succeed,” said the White House source who asked not to be identified. The U.S. plan dubbed “the ultimate deal” by U.S. president Donald Trump shortly after his swearing in called “the deal of the century” in Arab media circles has been consistently rejected by Palestinians and Arab countries. The decision by Washington in December 2017 to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, defunding the UN refugee agency and the closure of the Palestine mission in Washington are regularly quoted as proof of the pro-Israel bias of the Trump administration.  The U.S. State Department’s annual congress-mandated human rights report for 2018 dropped the term “occupation” in reference to both the Palestinian and Syrian occupied areas. Jason Greenblatt the senior US member of the Middle East peace team has confirmed on his twitter account recently that the Palestinian leadership has not made any contacts with Washington since the embassy move in December 2017. American officials are said to have told Christian Zionist evangelical leaders recently that the U.S. plan will have some clauses that they will not like but there is no reason to worry because Palestinians will reject it. King Abdullah II of Jordan has been urging Palestinians to “wait five minutes” before saying no to the US plan. The Jordanian monarch has taken a strong stand against American and Israeli policies in Jerusalem and has called on Arabs to support his position. The Hashemite King of Jordan, the 42 decedent of the prophet Mohammad is custodian of Islamic sites in Jerusalem. Jordan’s Islamic Waqf ministry pays the salaries of 1,000 guards, and staff in Jerusalem. The Arab summit that concluded in Tunis made a strong statement in support of Palestinian rights including a special clause on the status of Jerusalem and its holy places.

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