Al-Fayez Will Not Re-Run for Council President

Al-Fayez Will Not Re-Run for Council President
الرابط المختصر

A Parliamentary representative confirmed to 'AmmanNet' that the constitutional amendments will be included on the agenda of the special session of Congress, which is expected to be submitted for approval before the middle of next June. Discussion of the electoral law could begin next October during the Parliament's Second Regular Session, if the Assembly is not dissolved.

The source, who declined to be identified, said that the Council has a lot of work ahead of it that will most likely not be resolved  before the Council  is terminated for the second regular session. Therefore,  elections will be held in the middle of next year in order to give election law the time it needs to be discussed and debated, in addition to preparing political parties and various events for the elections.

The representative told 'AmmanNet' that current Parliament President Faisal Al-Fayez has no intention to run for Presidency of the Council in the second regular session.

Parliamentary members have started to discuss the agenda of the special session and how the Council can play a real part in the reform process through meetings between the other blocks and the President of the Council. These meetings are meant  to relieve pressure from some representatives who are fearful that the current parliament will be dissolved, which could negatively affect the special session.

The President met with the Council and the National Accord Bloc, consisting of 21 MPs, where discussions were held addressing a number of issues that will improve the work of Council members during the coming period. Next Wednesday, Fayez will meet with National Accord members to discuss the same issue.

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